Monday, January 25, 2010

Money Corrupts

If money was alive, we would all be slaves--black and white alike. I came to this realization after looking at all of the struggles I am going through to simply get a higher education. I am having to borrow from a friend here and a friend there to save up the money for ONE book.

The men of huge corporations are giving themselves bonuses that, combined, could most likely pay for every aspiring young adults college education or at least give each one a stipend. Yet, I have a job and I can't afford my college books.

Why has college been turned into a business? If the government can give away free money to people who's goal is to survive off of hand-outs, then why must the people trying to amount to something pay triple?

If college is so essential to becoming a successful, productive citizen then why am I paying for it? I can get free money, shelter, and food if I wanted. Why can I not get a free education? I'm not going to try to figure this one out because the day that I understand is the day that I'm in a dark place within the synapses of my brain and I choose not to EVER go there.

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